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Westone type knob

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Westone type knob Empty Westone type knob

Post by rebuild Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:49 pm

Hi everyone... I'm putting together a Westone Dynasty and all I need now is one of the volume/tone knobs ( not the pot, just the knob). The Dynasty and Dimension IV type are extremely similar so either one of these type will do. If anyone has a spare, or wants to sell one right from your own ax, please let me know. And I know if I were asking for a 1987 Stratocaster would want $4000.00 for it, so please be as reasonable as possible. Thanks for looking...Steve.
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Registration date : 2011-01-26

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Westone type knob Empty Re: Westone type knob

Post by corsair Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:11 am

Hey there, Steve; those Switchmaster knobs could well be available from Westone Spares when he opens again on Saturday... if not, well, they're about as common as chicken's lips!! They seem to have been peculiar to Westone....
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