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Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by The Chad Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:31 pm

Saw this and thought of you. Check this out...

Is this the one you'd been lusting after???
The Chad
The Chad
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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Re: Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by corsair Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:01 pm


Spectrum II SP1012, and Pantera coming my way - I cannot afford to pay attention right now, eh!! That is just the duck's guts....

Keep your bloody links to yourself in future, eh.... Laughing
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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Re: Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by The Chad Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:31 pm

Heh heh heh, sorry to tempt you there. But it's only a few hundred! Very Happy
The Chad
The Chad
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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Re: Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:44 pm

Possible more than it's worth. I've lost count of the favourable reviews of Westones I've seen. I've seen a few reviews of Raiders, and the best one says they stay in tune. Doesn't say anything else positive about it at all.I've seen a few reviews that really slate them, which makes the Raiders one Westone I definitely don't want.

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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Re: Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:15 pm

You got the Pantera 300? - Good for you! (the bad news is now you'll start craving the 390 and 350 Smile )

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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Re: Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by caucajun Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:30 pm

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ there's a "bAD wAY"!?!? Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Re: Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by corsair Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:54 am

Thorn wrote:Possible more than it's worth. I've lost count of the favourable reviews of Westones I've seen. I've seen a few reviews of Raiders, and the best one says they stay in tune. Doesn't say anything else positive about it at all.I've seen a few reviews that really slate them, which makes the Raiders one Westone I definitely don't want.

Hee hee hee... hmmm, that doesn't exactly fill one with confidence, does it!! I admit; the shape and the blue/yellow do it for me and the 1 does have a 45 in it, doesn't it so it can't be all that bad!! Can it??? Shocked Laughing
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Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Empty Re: Hey Corsair... prepare to lust! In a good way.

Post by Barry Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:32 am

corsair wrote:...the shape and the blue/yellow do it for me and the 1 does have a 45 in it, doesn't it so it can't be all that bad!! Can it???
The shape and colour do not do it for me, but as far as configuration goes, is this not pretty much the same as the Vantage Avenger X77-T? Mine's a hell of a rocker and no tuning issues worth mentioning. Very stable.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Corsair - Hey Corsair... prepare to lust!  In a good way.  Guitar10
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