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Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD

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thunder - Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD Empty Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD

Post by PaulS Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:49 am

Edit - sold on another forum. Must the the fastest I have ever sold a guitar!

and so thought I'd list it here in case there is any interest. 1984, according to the serial number.

I paid £72 about 6 months ago and spent a little on it getting it set up, new strings etc. Control knobs were replaced with generic knurled metal ones as one of the originals was missing. I also replaced all the bridge saddle grub screws to smaller ones that now don't tick out and catch on my hand. Other than that it is an honest, worn and used bass guitar that has a few slight cosmetic imperfections but no issues. Not much fret wear, either.

thunder - Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD Westone14
thunder - Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD Westone15
thunder - Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD Westone16
thunder - Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD Westone17
thunder - Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD Westone18
thunder - Decided to move on my Thunder Jet bass - NOW SOLD Westone19

I'd offer this up for £75 plus around £15 postage, could meet or deliver a reasonable distance for the cost of diesel or, of course, collection from SE Essex would be perfect

Edit -It is currently strung with D'Addario chrome flats, which are fairly heavy and tight. I can stick some decent round strings on it if these are just going to go in the bin as they were expensive!

Last edited by PaulS on Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:47 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : bad memory)
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