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Original Pantera configuration.

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Confused Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:10 am

Well, as some of you have seen, "Lucy" is alive and well (pictures in Member's Westone section) but some questions remain:
What size Allen keys are meant to go in the headstock holder? I know they must be metric.
Is the plate currently covering the tremolo mechanism on the back a factory item?...When I removed the plate for service/inspection, there were no other holes apparent which would suggest that IF the plate had been replaced, the original holes in the body had been used.
Did EVERY Westone come with the tapered control knobs?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 41
Age : 74
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by corsair Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:58 pm

G'day fella - I don't think your trem plate is OEM, But I've been wrong before! It looks to be aluminium: is it? Possibly a previous owner has done what I generally do with them; biffed it over his shoulder and then later on had to be replaced?!
Yeah, those tapered knobs are a bugger, eh - most of the later Westones had 'em - I think; but I've seen quite a few with appropriate coloured speed knobs!

I'll measure my hex keys and get back to you...
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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:29 pm

Hello again Mr. Confused, Smile

Lucy's trem cover doesn't look to be original. I did promise in response to one of your earlier posts regarding Lucy's trem cover, that I would post photos of mine along with the measurements and I apologise for not getting around to doing it yet.

By the sounds of things, that one has been home made but they have used the same measurements so as not to drill any more screw holes. The cover on my Pantera has a single long slot in it as opposed to the individual holes that some covers have.

I'll get cracking with the camera and the tape measure and get the pictures and measurements put up for you.

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Confused Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:20 pm

Thank you both Ms. Polly and Mr. Corsair. No problem at all with the speed of your response Ms. Polly. I know you are probably VERY busy getting the "band" together. Have you got a name for it yet? Hmmmm...The Badger Bunch?...The Pints?...The Half Pints?...Talent Tykes?...That's the Stuff?....I'll keep thinking.
The Tremolo cover is indeed aluminium (so refreshing to correspond with folks who spell properly-hahaha) Should it be plastic or black lacquered metal with the appropriate slot? Ahhhhh? Speed knobs? Like the knurled metal knobs in your avatar Mr. Corsair?
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 41
Age : 74
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by corsair Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:03 pm

Confused wrote: Should it be plastic or black lacquered metal with the appropriate slot? Ahhhhh? Speed knobs? Like the knurled metal knobs in your avatar

Yep - black plastic on all my Westones so I don't suppose the Panteras are any different! The speed knobs I was thinking of are the plastic black, gold or white ones with the numbers 1 - 10 visible, but yeah, those gold-plated brass ones are speed knobs, too I guess! They're on my Vantage VA900, which would be the classiest instrument that Uncle Matt produced... by an order of magnitude!! Ooh, Ooh - can you hear all of the Pantera and Prestige owners grinding their teeth...!! Laughing Shocked
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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Confused Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:52 pm

Mr. Corsair, I'm not going to put my teeth in just to grind them at you! But I mean that in the nicest way.....I suspect Lucy had had her knobs replaced at some point as they are straight sided. For the time being, as I mentioned, I'm going slowly and will "restore" over a long period. After all, you don't buy your new "gal" a diamond ring on the first date (well some blokes might) Don't want to seem too ostentatious right off. Don't want to scare her off...
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 41
Age : 74
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:14 pm

Confused wrote: No problem at all with the speed of your response Ms. Polly. I know you are probably VERY busy getting the "band" together. Have you got a name for it yet? Hmmmm...The Badger Bunch?...The Pints?...The Half Pints?...Talent Tykes?...That's the Stuff?....I'll keep thinking.

Hi there Mr. Confused, Smile

The band is coming along steadily and thank you for the suggestions!
Very Happy No, I haven't got a name for the band yet so please, keep thinking!

The guitar playing is coming along though and 'Wild Thing' will definitely by our opening number - ooh, there's a thought!
How about 'Taz and the Little Devils'? Twisted Evil OR: 'Polly and the Pirates'? pirat lol!

I'll be getting on to that other matter for your trem cover at first light!

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Confused Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:05 am

Ms. Polly, I've overlooked the OBVIOUS! "Wee Westone Wonders". Everyone, universally recognises the WWW!
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 41
Age : 74
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Guest Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:37 pm

Mr. Confused,

That is Brilliant!
Very Happy

I think that's going to have to be the one! WWW Tot it is!

Yee Hah!

Thank you!
Very Happy

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:00 pm

Hello again Mr. Confused, Smile

Well, it has taken a bit of time but I always keep my promises! So finally, here are the long awaited photos and measurements of the Trem cover on my Pantera.

Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. PICT1379a

Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. PICT1378a

Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. PICT1377a

I hope these will help you to make an new one for Lucy! If all else fails, I think that David sells some in his spares section which will suffice!

I've been looking at the photo of your Bendmaster Deluxe bridge too and it looks to be the same as the one which is on mine - I'll post a couple of pictures for you to compare to see if it is identical.

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by wayne weedon Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:59 pm

What the hell is a cm! Pffft
wayne weedon
wayne weedon
Westone Nut

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Location : Poole UK
Registration date : 2008-04-21

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Bohop Rebebop Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:22 pm

10 mm.
Bohop Rebebop

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2008-06-08

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:07 pm

Ha Ha! Laughing

Okay Wayne, you got me! I know, I've always said that I only work in imperial measurements but I thought that I was being really clever on this one!
study In any case, the ruler that I used didn't have inches on it! Razz lol!

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Confused Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:59 am

Stick to your guns Ms. Polly SI (Systeme International) is the WAY to go. I'm sure a young lady of your tender years does know a bit about the imperial system (inches/feet miles etc.) but it is archaic to say the least, makes no logical sense at all and is only used by one "hold-out" country in the world. You're not only being clever, your quite cosmopolitan as well-but I knew that already
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 41
Age : 74
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Guest Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:25 pm

No worries, Mr. Confused,

I always stick firmly to my guns!
cheers You never know when they might come in handy! Wink

I hope that the measurements are of use to you; regardless of whether they are metric, imperial or Cosmopolitan!

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by wayne weedon Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:37 am

Pollyanna wrote:Ha Ha! Laughing

Okay Wayne, you got me! I know, I've always said that I only work in imperial measurements but I thought that I was being really clever on this one!

Sorry Pauline just trying to be a smartass! Last time I think I used cm's was in junior school in the 70's <ouch> Engineers generally do not use cm's. we use mm's and inches!

Never take me too seriously Wink I don't! else I wouldn't spend silly hours making "flower pots" haha

wayne weedon
wayne weedon
Westone Nut

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Location : Poole UK
Registration date : 2008-04-21

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:49 pm

Hi Wayne,

No need to apologise mate, we all have our little idiosyncrasies and that's just one of mine - I prefer some of the old fashioned ways!

One thing that puzzles me, how do mm's and inches work together?
scratch Just kidding! Laughing

If it's any consolation, I like the flowerpot men!

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by wayne weedon Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:18 pm

Pollyanna wrote:
If it's any consolation, I like the flowerpot men! :flower:

Are we not men?

Yes it's quite funny how much I have to deal with units of measurement daily. I got metric machines, Imperial Machines and only today programming a cnc mill in metric for a job drawn in imperial. None of em know what a cm is though hehehe.

wayne weedon
wayne weedon
Westone Nut

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Location : Poole UK
Registration date : 2008-04-21

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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

Post by caucajun Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:21 pm

Pollyanna wrote: regardless of whether they are metric, imperial or Cosmopolitan! Laughing

:flower: :queen:

hey! you left out "metro-sexual".

and.....maybe with good reason........ Embarassed
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Pantera - Original Pantera configuration. Empty Re: Original Pantera configuration.

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