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Thunder I Bass in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

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BASS - Thunder I Bass in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Empty Thunder I Bass in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Post by DuoFuzz Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:16 pm

This is only going to be useful for anyone local to the Newcastle upon Tyne area.

There's a guitar shop on Westgate Road in the city centre called McKay's and they have a nice looking non active Thunder I Bass for £99

It's in the usual Light Oak finish and still has all of it's brass hardware including them all important control knobs! The bridge has a layer of crud on it and there is some wear to the body around the forearm chamfer but overall it's in good condition for it's age. I haven't seen it's serial number yet but it has the bird headstock logo, so it's from about '83 onwards.

It seems I'm permanently out of GAS tokens at the moment and I can't play a note bass so I won't be buying it myself (although it did cross my mind!). I thought I'd better pass on the info to any members local to the area who were in the market for this sort of thing.

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Location : Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K.
Registration date : 2009-05-18

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BASS - Thunder I Bass in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Empty Re: Thunder I Bass in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Post by Annoying Twit Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:46 am

£99 is a cheap price, but there have been some on ebay selling for that or thereabouts. There was one I had my eye on just about the time I bout my Cimar that was collection only a busride away from me. Sold for the low £90s if I remember correctly, and I thought that a real bargain.

Annoying Twit
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Number of posts : 267
Registration date : 2010-03-06

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