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Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue

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concord - Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue Empty Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue

Post by thunder1 Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:18 am

This recently came up on Gumtree:

Nice blue - if it was left-handed I don't think I could resist it...


Tony C
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concord - Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue Empty Re: Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue

Post by corsair Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:37 am

I'd be all over that if I was a little closer to OZ, eh; what a beauty, and an oddball as well!! Thorn, what say you??
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concord - Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue Empty Re: Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue

Post by Guest Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:27 am

It's not a Concord III, it's a Concord H-III (Concord with humbuckers). Probably one of the later ones, it has the precision tremelo tailpiece - the earliest ones had a standard strat style trem. With a very slight change (Losing the plastic cover around the pickup switch) this model would become the Spectrum III in 84. The finish (Blue Burst) is the same as on my Spectrum III, the burst finish isn't just on the body, it's on the headstock and the back of the neck too.

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concord - Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue Empty Re: Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue

Post by Barry Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:25 am

Another interesting if not confusing variation/branding on an otherwise beautiful guitar.
Mats just couldn't focus their marketing effort very well at times, eh?

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
concord - Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue Guitar10
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concord - Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue Empty Re: Australia: Concord 3 metallic blue

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