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Peavey T-40 bass

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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Peavey T-40 bass

Post by anaerobe Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:24 pm

Anyone on this list heard of/play one of these?
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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Re: Peavey T-40 bass

Post by Warrn Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:26 pm

I own a T-45, which is the single pickup version. I'm not sure how much the sound differs considering the T-40 is a neck and bridge setup while the T-45 has the pickup in the P-bass sweet spot, but mine has some serious punch to it, and when played with a pick it has a mean growl. I will say though that they weigh a TON. If you have back problems, you won't ever want to play it standing up. They are very fine sounding basses, though. Fat, juicy tone. Also, the tone knobs tap the coils if you turn them above 7.

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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Re: Peavey T-40 bass

Post by anaerobe Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:50 am

Thanks Warrn,

I have a pawn-shop beauty in my sights... she sounds very nice indeed. I was quite surprised by the weight... HEAVY! BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Icon_lol
I will have to move quickly, its getting a huge amount of attention - three of us lined up to try it out at lunch a couple of days ago.
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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Re: Peavey T-40 bass

Post by Warrn Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:46 pm

No time to waste then! Old Peaveys are just fantastic. BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Icon_biggrin

Number of posts : 1133
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Location : Gainesville, FL
Registration date : 2008-08-03

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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Re: Peavey T-40 bass

Post by caucajun Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:35 pm

i live within 6 hrs of the factory..............when theyy were made in the usa. have had many of them..............built like tanks! excellent myriad of tonal colors.........better play it in a chair! BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Icon_eek
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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Re: Peavey T-40 bass

Post by Frenchy Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:55 am

The T-40 is a great beast... Amazing tone and growl... Love mine to bits. You wont regret getting one since these are also getting up there in price. The designer of the T-40 considers this to be his masterpiece and if memory serves me correct, is now in charge of desing at Fender....

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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Re: Peavey T-40 bass

Post by caucajun Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:14 pm

not a knock on them.....but, you can buy 'em all day long for $200 in my hood. which is funny....because that's what they've ALWAYS sold for.....even brand new BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Suspect . did anyone mention.....they weigh a ton!
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BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Empty Re: Peavey T-40 bass

Post by Frenchy Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:50 am

did anyone mention.....they weigh a ton!

Yes the T-40 is a heavy beast... Being a bass player you tend to get used to having heavy instruments... I rotate them even when playing with a band... The Vantage VA900 and Ibanez Musicien are just as heavey and own several others in the same weight category... You want something in the same weight cat as a guitar, I would suggest you look at headless basses.... The Westone Super Headless is a perfect cadidate, It works for me....

The T-40 has a tone and growl that is not replicated on other basses, I find it to be a great playing and sounding bass. Even better if you can find one for so cheap... I would pick up a T-45 in a hearbeat if saw one for $200 or less just to have the one pick up version... Better if you get one with the OHSC that is made of hard plastic... You caint kill those cases... just amazing...

Enjoy BASS - Peavey T-40 bass Icon_exclaim

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