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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by Annoying Twit Sun May 09, 2010 7:12 pm

I was thinking of putting a realistic bid on this one. But, look at the very last photo. It looks like the wood has been worn away and been replaced by a "patch". In the second to last photo there's a bit of a "ring" around the "corner", but the wood grain continues through the ring. In the last photo, the grain doesn't seem to match. What, if anything, is up?
Annoying Twit
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Number of posts : 267
Registration date : 2010-03-06

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by bowenjaybee Sun May 09, 2010 8:24 pm

These thunders were made with ash pieces stuck together and cut to shape

I'm thinking those patches are simply a small section of the next piece of wood.

Look at this close up of my Thunder bass.... it has a very similar thing going on but inside a curve

Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Bass_g10
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Location : Bradford, West Yorkshire . UK
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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by Dragondreams Mon May 10, 2010 2:22 am

I agree with m'learned friend. It's just a consequence of the way the wood has been jointed to make the body blank. Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Icon_smile
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2010-03-13

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by Annoying Twit Tue May 11, 2010 10:47 am

Thanks all. Except that today it looks like my guitar buying budget is going down by the price of a second hand microcube. I'm trying to keep it positive after it going into "the red" a bit recently. But, I still want a Thunder 1A (or similar) eventually.
Annoying Twit
Senior Member

Number of posts : 267
Registration date : 2010-03-06

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by Annoying Twit Tue May 11, 2010 2:52 pm

Another one. Fewer mystery switches. Very black. 99p start.
Annoying Twit
Senior Member

Number of posts : 267
Registration date : 2010-03-06

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by bowenjaybee Sat May 15, 2010 1:54 am

the 1st guitar went for £191
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Location : Bradford, West Yorkshire . UK
Registration date : 2010-02-22

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by bowenjaybee Sat May 15, 2010 1:55 am

Annoying Twit wrote:Another one. Fewer mystery switches. Very black. 99p start.

I really like the 1986 black Thunder 1A, Seems a few changes were made to these later Thunders.. looks like the pickup selector has moved and a couple of the switches have probably been replaced with push pull pots which I do prefer to having switches all over. a great guitar! if only my funds were better I'd defo go for this one.
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Number of posts : 560
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Location : Bradford, West Yorkshire . UK
Registration date : 2010-02-22

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

Post by Annoying Twit Sat May 15, 2010 2:19 am

bowenjaybee wrote:the 1st guitar went for £191

Even if I hadn't bought the microcube, I wouldn't have bid more than say, £150 for this. I bet the seller is pleased with that.
Annoying Twit
Senior Member

Number of posts : 267
Registration date : 2010-03-06

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Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay) Empty Re: Westone Thunder 1A (UK Ebay)

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