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Spectrum 3 pawn shop find

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Spectrum 3 pawn shop find Empty Spectrum 3 pawn shop find

Post by onemanauto Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:57 pm

Just found what looks like a spectrum 3 xa1330 in blue metallic burst, I am interested to know if all of the spectrum 3's were japan made. I have done a little research today and looked at many pictures , Here is what I remember ...looks exactly like the anniversary guitar pictures for 1987 , 3 knobs ..5 way,tremolo only the neck plate only has numbers as I recall that started with 88..?? etc it does not have the trem cavity cover on it or it may say "SLM" etc. the pics that I have found online for the neck plate that say "made in japan" also have the Westone logo on them.
oh yes the tuners say "Gotoh"
I suppose either way Japanese or Korean it still looks like a great guitar

On a side note I will be new to westones but I do have a Vester 2 that looks Very close in shape and "pointy Headstock"

Rock on !!!!!

And thanks in advance for any replies


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-02-12

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Spectrum 3 pawn shop find Empty Re: Spectrum 3 pawn shop find

Post by onemanauto Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:15 pm

So I guess no one knows if all of the anniversary models were mats made?
any other way to tell besides the info I have given?

Tom the 80's shredder

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-02-12

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Spectrum 3 pawn shop find Empty Re: Spectrum 3 pawn shop find

Post by Warrn Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:37 pm

According to the XA1330 was a Matsumoku design, but if your neck plate says 88 then you probably have a Korean guitar built with leftover parts from the Matsumoku factory.

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Spectrum 3 pawn shop find Empty Re: Spectrum 3 pawn shop find

Post by corsair Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:48 pm

Oooh; sorry Tom; this post slipped under my radar: welcome here, bro! Yep, as Warren says, if yours is dated 88 then it was at the very least assembled in Korea; this doesn't make it a bad guiatr by any means, just not a Matsumoku!

I, for one, would love to see it; any chance of some pix; I have a peculiar love for blueburst fimishes!?? Spectrum 3 pawn shop find Icon_smile The necks on these Anniversary models is just sit-up-and-beg brilliant; I have 2 Clippers and a Genesis II and their necks are things of beauty!! Hmmm, ideal for shredding?!?! Spectrum 3 pawn shop find Icon_lol
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