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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

Post by corsair Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:26 pm

Look what I got to play with yesterday....

Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! DSC_0068

Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! CSC_0075

Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! DSC_0050

...and you guys thought the X350MA was a rare bird; this is a Vantage VA912, and my personal Holy Grail!!
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Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Re: Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

Post by Warrn Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:14 am

That is a gorgeous guitar.

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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Re: Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

Post by boutjp97 Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:25 pm

Absolutely stunning!
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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Re: Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

Post by corsair Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:20 pm

...the latest news is that Don has let me purchase the Invader from him, kind soul that he is; I wasn't able to persuade him to release the VA912 into my care!!!

And you guys thought the Dim 4 was pointy.....!! Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_cool
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Number of posts : 6333
Age : 65
Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Re: Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:40 am


Hey mate, nice one!
Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_cheers

Cool photos... Lurv the shorts!!!!!!
Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_wink Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_wink

Ouch! Those points could easily be fixed with a little help from a chainsaw!
Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Lol Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Lol Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Lol Le'me do it, please???? Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_bounce Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_bounce Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_bounce

Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_queen Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_flower

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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Re: Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

Post by corsair Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:37 pm

Pollyanna wrote:HOW MANY STRINGS?????????

Hey mate, nice one!
Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_cheers

Cool photos... Lurv the shorts!!!!!!
Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_wink Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_wink

Ouch! Those points could easily be fixed with a little help from a chainsaw!
Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Lol Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Lol Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Lol Le'me do it, please???? Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_bounce Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_bounce Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_bounce

Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_queen Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_flower


Thank you.

Thank you again. (It's 30 degrees and 75% humidity!!)


Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Icon_lol
Senior Member

Number of posts : 6333
Age : 65
Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Re: Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

Post by Barry Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:10 pm

corsair wrote:...(It's 30 degrees and 75% humidity!!)...
Sounds like Toronto in, except for last summer! Wanna trade? I'd rather be in shorts than friggin' sweaters!!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Guitar10
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Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!! Empty Re: Not a Westone, but a Matsumoku!!!

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