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What am I (UK ebay)?

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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by norfolkngood Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:48 pm

Black Westone on UK ebay (with stick-on stars, hmmm, nice Shocked)
item 220524373332.

Anyone know what model this is?
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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty Re: What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by hendrik Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:09 pm

Looks like an HAMER with a Westone Neck to me.... What am I (UK ebay)? Icon_question

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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty Re: What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by silence86 Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:47 pm

to me it looks like some kind of prestige with a concord headstock...
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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty Re: What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by DuoFuzz Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:51 pm

I've been trying to figure out what this thing is since I saw it, I looked through the catalogues and still can't find an answer!

I reckon the neck is off an early Concord model, with 21 frets and no bullet trussrod at the headstock. The body seems to be bound and looks like a Prestige model but AFAIK they were never made with a bolt-on neck. Some Westbury models share the same shape as the Westone Prestige but beyond that I'm not sure?

It does seem to have a Thunder style brass hardtail bridge so - at a push - it could be Uncle Matt based.

Someone has to solve this mystery!

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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty Re: What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by boutjp97 Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:57 am

Looks like it may be a thunder jet with a concord neck (input is in wrong place though and it has binding). My best guess is it is the unknown model 8 listed on Davids site under unknown guitars.

Enhanced pics...
What am I (UK ebay)? Bhjygg10
What am I (UK ebay)? Bhtvwq10

Last edited by boutjp97 on Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty Re: What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by boutjp97 Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:00 am

The more I look the more I am sure it is the unknown model 8. If there truly were only 10 made someone please jump on this and restore it. In the wrong know the rest.
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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty Re: What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by norfolkngood Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:19 pm


Just checked and it went for £236.99. Guess the seller can thank boutjp for flagging it up as "unknown model 8."

Out of curiosity (and because I'm a sad ol' git) I had a look at "bidder 6" previous purchases. Hmmm, not many Westones, not many guitars or amps but a couple of Scalextric + slot car purchases; way cool,I can relate to that.

Anyone fancying an "I am spartacus" moment on this or is it lost to history forever?

Last edited by Pollyanna on Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed derogatory remarks)
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What am I (UK ebay)? Empty Re: What am I (UK ebay)?

Post by Guest Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:04 pm

norfolkngood wrote:... Out of curiosity (and because I'm a sad ol' git) I had a look at "bidder 6" previous purchases...

Anyone fancying an "I am spartacus" moment on this or is it lost to history forever?

I have just come across this post whilst reading through everything to catch up as I haven't been around as much lately, and to say that I am shocked is an understatement!!! I should hate to think that anyone was looking at my purchases on eBay and publicly ridiculing them... and NO I am not Spartacus but at the same time I will not tolerate slanderous remarks,
even in fun, from anyone on these forums. As a result, I have deleted the remarks from the post.
I'm sorry to have to come down hard here Roger and reprimand you publicly rather than sending a Private Message but I think I am well justified in reminding everybody that remarks like this could result in quite serious consequences for the forums.

So please, think carefully about what you all write in future.

Thank you.

What am I (UK ebay)? Icon_queen What am I (UK ebay)? Icon_flower

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