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Dimension IV nutlock problem

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Dimension IV nutlock problem Empty Dimension IV nutlock problem

Post by The Voice Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:48 pm

Hey guys. I haVe a bad detuning problem with this particilar Westone when monkeying with the bar, and i am definitely looking to replace. I was just wondering if anyone here has had any similar problems, and what the solution was. Also, if its recommended to replace, which locking nut would be best suited for the guitar? The distance between the headstock and the neck is pretty deep, so im not exactly sure what to look for..
The Voice
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Dimension IV nutlock problem Empty Re: Dimension IV nutlock problem

Post by The Voice Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:54 pm

Well then would anyone happen to be in possession of a spare locking nut for a Dimension guitar? I stripped my current one and the fix at the guitar shop didnt cut it. HALP!!
The Voice
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Dimension IV nutlock problem Empty Re: Dimension IV nutlock problem

Post by Racing Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:47 pm

easy easy.... Dimension IV nutlock problem Icon_cool

Sometimes a luthier isn´t the best bet.
In a case like this...i highly doubt it.

The M4s on mine was stripped as well,and what i did was mod a set of regular M4 nuts in the lathe and drill the locknut per se out to take the modded nuts with a pressfit.
Installed each of them with a drop of loctite,and it works wonder.

Further,through Corsair i learned that the locknuts of the westones are supposed to use 1mm thick sheetmetal shims underneath the locking washers and that the strings go between these two.
Might very well be that those 1mm shims are missing?

Any reputable machine shop should be able to help you mod a set of those M4s...i memory serves me i turned mine 6.06 out dia and drilled the holes 6mm i a GOOD drillpress with a sharp 6mm drill.

Knocked the whole thing home with a brass drift and a small hammer...

There´s pics of it in the post of my Pantera.
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Dimension IV nutlock problem Empty Re: Dimension IV nutlock problem

Post by corsair Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:20 am

heya, bro - is your stringlock complete and in good order, ie are any of the bolts stripped? If so, unless you're a whizz with tools like Jesper, you're in the poo!! Make sure that your bridge is clean too, particularly over the roller saddles but other than that I'm at a loss to understand the tuning problems; I used to really dig into the wang bar on my Genesis 2 and Clippers with no adverse affects other than the usual.... feeling like a right prat!! Dimension IV nutlock problem Icon_lol

Show some pix, man and let's see the lock, and the bridge...

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Dimension IV nutlock problem Empty Re: Dimension IV nutlock problem

Post by Guest Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:34 pm

Racing wrote:the locknuts of the westones are supposed to use 1mm thick sheetmetal shims underneath the locking washers and that the strings go between these two.

Only on the Bendmaster Deluxe - most (If not all - never seen one that didn't) Dimension IVs will have the Bendmaster FT which has tw0 identical 3mm washer sets, one above and one below the strings

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Dimension IV nutlock problem Empty Re: Dimension IV nutlock problem

Post by corsair Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:43 pm

Ooh, very true - the DIM 4 has an FT setup and the lock uses a double shim deal... well pointed out, Thorn! Apparently though, Kahler do a good behind the nut stringlock if you cannot get yours up and running.
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