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Wiring Loom ID needed please, mini transformers?

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Wiring Loom ID needed please, mini transformers? Empty Wiring Loom ID needed please, mini transformers?

Post by phsycoandy Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:21 pm

Can anyone ID this loom it has a 5 way blade switch and 2 of the pots have mini transformers on them.

Im hoping to sell it as I have no use for it, so is it of any value?


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Wiring Loom ID needed please, mini transformers? Empty Re: Wiring Loom ID needed please, mini transformers?

Post by Barry Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:14 pm

Andy, I'm not seeing any images. Neutral

The only Westone wiring circuit I can recall offhand which has a 5-position switch and mini-transformers is the Genesis II which has a master volume and master tone control plus a Mid/Shape control which is what the transformers are for.

Do they look like these? LINK

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Wiring Loom ID needed please, mini transformers? Guitar10
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