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Westone Thunder Case Repair

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westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Empty Westone Thunder Case Repair

Post by Ricard13 Sun Feb 06, 2022 8:48 am

The case I recently got with my thunder IIA is in pretty bad condition.
I was considering removing the tolex to change it.
Then I visited some website about guitare case restoration/repair. One of them was quite interesting. They was offering medium to heavy aging process on guitare case. Very interesting representation of Guy Debord Spectacle Society  by the way.
But then instead of going into a soul sucking plague full restoration I decided to try fixing it.
Here are some pictures of the process.
Hi to all
Ricard13westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair 3acb3c10
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Bf5dc110
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair 9c33d010[url=]westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair 3acb3c10[/url]
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Bf5dc110
[url=]westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair 9c33d010[/url]
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westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Empty Re: Westone Thunder Case Repair

Post by Barry Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:56 pm

Good on ya for not stripping or covering it over!

It's always wise to start by gluing down any torn covering, and it appears to be what you're doing (with Titebond or something similar I presume?).

What's your plan for the bare spots?

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Guitar10
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westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Empty Re: Westone Thunder Case Repair

Post by Ricard13 Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:55 pm

westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6516
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6517
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6518
Bare spots... dunno. Any idea ? (there's a lot of them...) First I thought to let it be because I didn't have a proper plan. I  I previously said that some are spending 300 bucks for heavy aging their cases. Mine will be a bit more expensive as more aged as any. But still beautiful and genuine.
The main budget time whould be spent on the inside if I find a worth fabric. On the side I'm working on tailpiece modelisation and machining. Doesn't seems impossible but I don't know the price yet pirat
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westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Empty Re: Westone Thunder Case Repair

Post by Ricard13 Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:59 pm

westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6612
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6610
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6611
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westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Empty Re: Westone Thunder Case Repair

Post by Ricard13 Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:02 pm

westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6613
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Img_6519
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair 17f0e610
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westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Empty Re: Westone Thunder Case Repair

Post by Barry Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:02 pm

That case has certainly done its job over the years! Wow.

Slow and steady will get you there, best not to rush anything.

Small bare spots and scratches can easily be touched up with a marker pen or wood/leather stain.

But for the very large areas it might be better to cut and fit pieces of matching textured vinyl (perhaps peel and stick?).

I would first cut the damaged area into a more easy to duplicate shape then cut the patch to fit. You will have a better chance of mating the edges that way.

A less attractive option might be to fill the area with automotive body filler stained to match, then sand and seal.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
westone - Westone Thunder Case Repair Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8785
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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