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Understanding Guitar Wiring

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guitar - Understanding Guitar Wiring Empty Understanding Guitar Wiring

Post by Barry Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:29 pm

Most of us are familiar with Stewart MacDonald. It's about the most comprehensive guitar tools and parts site on the Internet.
Definitely not cheap, but good quality.

And it's also the source of a lot of good information about guitar repair and guitar electronics.
In addition to Dan Erlewine's excellent videos they have a number of useful online education references. This one's called Understanding Guitar Wiring.

If you're new to this stuff, or not sure of the terms used, or could use a refresher, start by having a look at this Glossary. If you find that there are too many terms that you do not know it may be worthwhile checking out the rest of the program:
Understanding Guitar Wiring

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
guitar - Understanding Guitar Wiring Guitar10
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