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Westone Prestige corsair prototype

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prestige - Westone Prestige corsair prototype Empty Westone Prestige corsair prototype

Post by Grungebob Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:29 am

Hi everyone, long shot i know but does anyone out there have my old guitar?

I bought direct from FCN music in 2009 a left over prototype corsair body and a prestige neck , I spent awhile putting it all together then a few months later was forced to sell it on UK eBay.
id really like to buy it back.

It being a prototype it differs from the usual model by having not all the controls being pickguard mounted.  It had no rear cavity cover so I had to make one to fit and it was fitted with seymour Duncan pickups.  once i work out how to upload photos i'll post the only 2 pics i have of it from way back.

fingers crossed
prestige - Westone Prestige corsair prototype A3457010
prestige - Westone Prestige corsair prototype Abe15210prestige - Westone Prestige corsair prototype A3457010
prestige - Westone Prestige corsair prototype Abe15210
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