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WTB: HB Pickup ring for series ii sp5112

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WTB: HB Pickup ring for series ii sp5112  Empty WTB: HB Pickup ring for series ii sp5112

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:13 pm

WTB: HB Pickup ring for series ii sp5112  SLOVWPE
WTB: HB Pickup ring for series ii sp5112  TBq32Kj
Anyone have a pickup ring for this? 
Ideally I'd like to get 2, one for the original HB with the 2+1 adjuster holes and one with the standard 1+1 for a normal HB. 

The distance between the mounting screw holes is 80mm x 35mm, pretty narrow and short.
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
Financial supporter

Number of posts : 3322
Age : 53
Location : tyneside
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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