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Seen on ebay uk. Westone Mockingbird :-) !!!!!!!!!

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westone - Seen on ebay uk. Westone Mockingbird :-) !!!!!!!!! Empty Seen on ebay uk. Westone Mockingbird :-) !!!!!!!!!

Post by fictionuk65 Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:57 am

Just seen this pop up on ebay. :-) very suss as far as i'm concerned. Well, be honest, its a Stagg. Totally vile guitars and this has been made to look like a Westone

Now, if i'm wrong then someone please correct me. 

The headstock is identical to a neck I was watching on ebay (Not the same but a black one) and that too had the little bump on the headstock. Also Stagg did make a Mockingbird.

So...there ya go....beware

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westone - Seen on ebay uk. Westone Mockingbird :-) !!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Seen on ebay uk. Westone Mockingbird :-) !!!!!!!!!

Post by Barry Tue Apr 23, 2019 7:12 pm

Chinese knock off poo.
Run away!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
westone - Seen on ebay uk. Westone Mockingbird :-) !!!!!!!!! Guitar10
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