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Looking for close up picture of The Rail Bass

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Looking for close up picture of The Rail Bass Empty Looking for close up picture of The Rail Bass

Post by questorz Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:33 pm

My dad is looking for a close up picture of a Westone Rail Bass where it says "The Rail Bass" (in red on pearl white body) and also "Westone" on the metal bridge plate. We found some pics online but the quality was not good enough for a guy to create him a duplicate template to paint those back on. My dad is restoring this bass and this is all he needs before painting. I think they are looking for the highest quality possibly in TIFF format instead of JPG or the highest quality JPG/PNG where it isn't compressed as much. If someone knows the respective fonts we may could take that route also. 

Thanks for any help.

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2017-09-23

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