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Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW

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electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Empty Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW

Post by doneaster Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:18 pm

Hi, I'm new here and recently bought a Futura Model XIPW. It was in fair condition with 1 Volume Knob Missing and the Push-Pull tone switch for the bridge pickup doesn't work but I cleaned it up and put a new set of D'Addario Strings on it and was totally amazed at how great it sounds. As near as I can figure, based on the Serial Number it was made in 1984. Does anyone else on here have a guitar like this and if you do please contact me I have a few questions. Thanks

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Age : 74
Location : Columbus, Ga
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Empty Re: Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW

Post by Barry Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:06 pm

Hello Don, welcome.
I do not own this model but the wiring on most Westones (and most Mats made guitars) is similar. The push-pull coil split was a standard feature on many models.

If something's not working, it can either be something as simple as switch corrosion, a loose connection, or in more serious cases a broken coil winding.

Have a look at the wiring diagrams for the Spectrum series for an idea of what goes where: LINK

As for a new knob, they were a unique proprietary item and you'll not find an off the shelf replacement. They are as rare as rocking horse poo. Best to look on eBay.

As a matter of interest, Matsumoku also made a similar guitar series called the Urchin under the Aria Pro II label. Have a look at he site for more info:
Urchin Models Link
Catalogue Scan

p.s You were posted in the For Sale Forum, I moved your post to the Technical section. Wink

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
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Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Empty Re: Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW

Post by gittarasaurus Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:58 pm

i've got one...
electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Ry%3D400electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Ry%3D400electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Ry%3D400
it's a rocker!
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electra - Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW Empty Re: Westone Electra Futura Model XIPW

Post by mortarman120gang11c Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:20 pm

I also actually have both Futurama red and white as well as the black Futurama bass model. The white reverse image is my favorite of the group
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Registration date : 2011-04-09

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