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Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ?

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Pantera - Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ? Empty Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ?

Post by DanTM Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:41 am

Hello there !

So I am on the hunt for a specific Pantera model at the moment.

Doing that I stumbled upon two different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body.

The common version is this one. It comes together with the standard headstock inlay.

Pantera - Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ? X390bodyPantera - Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ? X390head

The other version is this one. It comes with a rather uncommon headstock inlay.

Pantera - Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ? KbvbmPantera - Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ? 35jh7i9

Can anybody please explain the difference ?

Is it possible that they used different writings/logos for different markets (US/EU) ?
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2016-01-19

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Pantera - Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ? Empty Re: Different Westone Pantera Logos/Writings on the body ?

Post by Westbone Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:56 am

The second one is an early version(logo)
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