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jack socket for pantera...

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Pantera - jack socket for pantera... Empty jack socket for pantera...

Post by silence86 Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:33 pm


i noticed a loose connection in the "tube" jack socket of my pantera x390 during a rehearsal today. when the guitar arrived with me i wasn't able to plug the whole jack in (about 2 mm), but as it worked i didn't care...until now...i had a closer look at the socket, every contact inside is bent, in fact it's a wonder that this thing still worked.

as our next gig is in 2 days, one of our guitarists can't take his hands off the x390 (normally he uses an "esp horizon") and a malfunction during a song would be quite bad, i had to replace it with the the jack socket of my pantera x775 projekt.

now my x775 project hasn't got a jack anywhere out there someone who has one of those jack sockets left and would sell it? or can someone give me an advice what i could use as an replacement?

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Pantera - jack socket for pantera... Empty Re: jack socket for pantera...

Post by colt933 Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:25 am

I think it's this one:,_pickups/Components:_Jacks/Flush-mount_Output_Jack.html
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