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Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass

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BASS - Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass Empty Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass

Post by punkyjam67 Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:22 pm

As per the title (and my post in the Members' Westones section), I'm on the lookout for an original brass knob for a splined pot (preferably a proper active tone one with the 'B<-0->T' etched markings). I appreciate these things don't grow on trees, but I'm happy to pay a reasonable price, or I have a couple of spare repro Switchmaster knobs (the 'TVill25' ones from a few years ago), if any swaps are preferred.

I also need a couple of replacement toggle switches for the 'Dual Tone' and 'Bypass' switches, if there are any knocking about (or any recommendations for alternatives).

Any assistance is gratefully accepted - at the moment the poor thing just looks plain fugly! Laughing

BASS - Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass Thunde10
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BASS - Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass Empty Re: Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass

Post by Westbone Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:17 pm

seen this
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BASS - Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass Empty Re: Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass

Post by punkyjam67 Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:08 pm

Thumb Up

Cheers Damian - the game is afoot! Smile
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Number of posts : 325
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BASS - Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass Empty Re: Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass

Post by Westbone Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:23 am

See it's gone.... Cool  where?
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Number of posts : 5918
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Registration date : 2008-12-28

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BASS - Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass Empty Re: Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass

Post by punkyjam67 Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:14 pm

It'll soon be occupying the space at the bottom right of the photo I posted - thanks to your good self & of course Clive Very Happy
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Number of posts : 325
Location : Lincolnshire
Registration date : 2012-10-26

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BASS - Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass Empty Re: Wanted - 'B-0-T' active tone knob and toggle switches for Thunder I-A Bass

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