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Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!!

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Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!! Empty Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!!

Post by Meadows Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:51 pm

Mild kick in the groin short, have been working with a record company who are promoting a new young female artist. They have tried her with a couple of different genres so far, Dance and R n B which didn't work so they decided to try a Joplin style "Big brother" backing group, which i think really suits her voice and delivery style. Very happy to take the gig playing bass and then got called back to track some guitar work today. Also managed to get an Aria pro elecord, a Cutlass classic and a Thunder down for the" Mats played on" port folio. BTW the average age of the session players was 50 I guess.

As we were leaving today, the subject of any on going live work with her was raised with the producer......his retort was, " We are undecided at present but will probably get some other players in". (as in younger!!!)

On one level I totally get it, to them it's a total package and product but just in that moment we all looked at each other and felt a tad pissed..."Bring in the pretty boys" Mad
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Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!! Empty Re: Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!!

Post by Barry Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:39 pm

I feel your pain Si...everytime i look in the mirror....and everytime the girls on the beach no longer look my way. Sad

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!! Guitar10
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Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!! Empty Re: Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!!

Post by The Don Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:50 am

Barry wrote:I feel your pain Si...everytime i look in the mirror....and everytime the girls on the beach no longer look my way. Sad

At least they once did look your way  Sad
The Don
The Don
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Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!! Empty Re: Getting old ain't pretty...apparently!!!

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