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Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III

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thunder - Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III Empty Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III

Post by Anderstone Tue May 03, 2016 5:05 am


The tailpiece of my Thunder III broke several weeks ago and I'can't find any replacement here in Barcelona. A repair shop has offered the possibility to repair it at a Luthier with a cost of more than 300€.
Does anyone know how to find a suitable tailpiece for my Westone?
Thank you in advance,

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2016-05-03

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thunder - Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III Empty Re: Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III

Post by corsair Tue May 03, 2016 6:58 am

If your Thunder is a TIII, Series 1 then that looks to be a standard Nashville type tailpiece which is still made by Gotoh; I know this because I bought one last year for a project!

If it's the trem bridge from the TIII, Series 3 then it could be a little more problematic... 

Pix will help us a lot!!
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thunder - Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III Empty Re: Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III

Post by Westbone Fri May 13, 2016 2:26 am

Could be this model?? Which would explain why it's knackered, 'king pot metal.
thunder - Looking for a tailpiece of the Thunder III 2lllk5c
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