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Pantera bridge saddles too high?

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Pantera bridge saddles too high? Empty Pantera bridge saddles too high?

Post by Fairchild Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:26 pm

okay so I'm getting my new garage sale beauty all cleaned up and restrung, and finally get the action and intonation really close- when I notice the saddles are really high off the bridge....theres a little more adjustment to go, but they are really threaded in there good. I'm tempted to start over and raise the bridge overall height to liwer them, but I'm afraid if i get it too high it'll dive off the nocks if I get too froggy with the tremolo....enclosing pics....any advice appreciated....leave it or re-adjust? will that steeper angle make it more of a string breaker? not perfect yet but pkaying pretty goddamn sweet, but for some reason It keeps spontaneously channelling Extreme and White Lion without my approval...... Embarassed Pantera bridge saddles too high? Img_2012Pantera bridge saddles too high? Img_2011
Pantera bridge saddles too high? Img_2010Pantera bridge saddles too high? Img_2012
Pantera bridge saddles too high? Img_2011
Pantera bridge saddles too high? Img_2010

Last edited by Fairchild on Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : arrrgh why are there 2 of all the pictures!? cant erase spares....)
Westone Nut

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Pantera bridge saddles too high? Empty Re: Pantera bridge saddles too high?

Post by corsair Sat Apr 23, 2016 12:09 am

That looks decidely odd... as if the bridge is sitting underneath the pivot points on the bridge posts??

With these floating bridges, you can normally get them dpsitting as low as a snakes nuts just by adjusting said bridge posts... All of the Bendmaster floaters I have, have the bridge plate sitting slightly tail end low, but they are all well above the surface of the guitar...
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Pantera bridge saddles too high? Empty Re: Pantera bridge saddles too high?

Post by Barry Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:16 am

I agree. The pix are a tad unclear but the posts don't appear to seated all the way down, and bridge knife edges are much too low. They look like they might even be on the thread?? They should be floating the indentation portion of the post, higher up.

Also, the bridge should be parallel to the body and floating just above it. This is almost hard tailed and resting on the body. Correcting those two things will then allow you to drop the height on the saddles and the pickups which also appear much too high.

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Pantera bridge saddles too high? Empty Re: Pantera bridge saddles too high?

Post by Westbone Sat Apr 23, 2016 3:41 pm

Here'a shot of a correctly set up one. Not a fine tune trem but the same thing without the fine tuners. This is a Bendmaster.

Slacken the springs in the trem cavity,tune up(leave the nut clamps loose) bring the trem parallel to the body. Trial + error. Saddles look ok but if you want to lower them, raise the posts. Also set your fine tuners at halfway while tuning. 

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Pantera bridge saddles too high? Empty Re: Pantera bridge saddles too high?

Post by Fairchild Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:11 pm

Thanks for the tips! The bridge is riding on the posts right but yeah - someone definately torqued up the springs...guess they didnt want the trem to float, but to be backstopped...once I loosened that up it rose considerably....thanks again all!
Westone Nut

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