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spectrum III bridge setup

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spectrum III bridge setup Empty spectrum III bridge setup

Post by kulhom Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:41 pm

Hi guys.

Recently i bought a spectrum III, it's my first bendmaster and i have some questions about it.

That guitar has a distance between the body amd the bridge plate of almost 1 cm and it looks a little bit high to me, is that height normal in that guitar? 

The bridge has a very short run when you pull the trem bar. Normal again?

When i action the bar, the strings maque a strange noise (a "nyeeeek" that i think it comes from the nut) Any way to solve it?

thank you guys for your help!
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spectrum III bridge setup Empty Re: spectrum III bridge setup

Post by corsair Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:54 pm

The distance the bridge plate is off the body will depend on how high you want the action, but yeah; mine are lower than that and are parallel to the body.

I've never measured the amount of deflection on the bar but I can get the strings flapping if that's what you're wondering?

The noise is possibly from one of the contact points, i.e. the bridge saddles or the nut and a tiny amount of lubrication could fix it. It could be, too, that the nut slots are too deep due to excessive wear and the strings are catching in the slots. 

Do not overtighten the stringlock; the base is made from a light alloy and overtightening steel bolts into it will lead to stripping of the threads in the base, while not terminal, is bloody annoying!!
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spectrum III bridge setup Empty Re: spectrum III bridge setup

Post by Barry Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:02 pm

kulhom wrote:...a distance between the body amd the bridge plate of almost 1 cm and it looks a little bit high to me, is that height normal in that guitar? 

The bridge has a very short run when you pull the trem bar. Normal again?
1 cm would seem to be high. The ideal setup is as Corsair said, just floating above the body, and parallel to it. The main purpose of a Trem is to "de-tune" the string set and return to pitch for the tremolo effect.

But some folks insist on pulling on the bar which means you are fighting against the tension of the strings, essentially trying to raise the tuning. If you think about it, that's kinda nuts. You're fighting the basic setup of the guitar. And it's very tricky to pull it off accurately and without busting a string in the process.

You will never get the same amount of travel in the bridge, especially if the bridge is set up correctly (the plate will hit the body). So the pitch change is minimal at best. You might have better luck by de-tuning the strings which will lessen the tension, but you will likely have to raise the bridge and change the key in which you're playing.

All in all I wouldn't bother with pulling up unless you use it in an extremely subtle way.

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