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Thunder 1-A restoration parts

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Thunder 1-A restoration parts Empty Thunder 1-A restoration parts

Post by Shumer Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:39 am

Hey gents, it's been a while since I last posted and I need to finish the Restoration. I posted my pics , and the resto is completed bar the wiring. All I have is the original pickups, nothing else. If anyone has an active circuit board for sale, I'll take it off your hands. Failing that, does anyone have the circuit diagram for the active board so I can make one? Or even some great pics of front and back and components value? I also need the pots and mini toggle switches. Can someone tell me If the toggles are ON-ON-ON type or ON-OFF-ON? An what is th thread length, 10mm or 19mm. Any information or original parts for sale would be appreciated. Thanks
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2015-03-05

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Thunder 1-A restoration parts Empty Re: Thunder 1-A restoration parts

Post by corsair Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:44 am

The 1A has the same boost circuit as a Vantage VA900, so no great issues there - I suspect you can probably buy a PCB already made up and ready to wire in. My VA has 2 9V batteries and I assume the 1A does as well. The mini switches on mine are - top to bottom - coil tap, so on/off, phase reverse, so on/on, and boost on/off.

The pots will likely be 500kΩ and there'll be an A and B taper for V & T; I'm unsure what the boost pot is and my guitar is about 500 miles away but I can't see it being too much different.

Someone who actually has one of these will no doubt be along shortly to correct all of my errors!!
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Thunder 1-A restoration parts Empty Re: Thunder 1-A restoration parts

Post by Barry Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:09 am

You can get some electronics info HERE This is not a true schematic but it does have enough info to repair most of the damaged or missing parts.
If you're starting from scratch, however, it won't help much.

These were proprietary items so I doubt that you'll find a perfect replacement in the after market but there should be something similar out there. Guitar Fetish has THIS for example which might be useful.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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Thunder 1-A restoration parts Empty Re: Thunder 1-A restoration parts

Post by Shumer Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:06 am

Thanks for the replies, guys that helps a lot. I can now order the switches (I've seen some nice brass finish ones, not original, but they do look good) and that's interesting that the VA900 has the same board Cheers corsair. If I can't get an original, the one you posted Barry should do the job and save me some time. I will get this project finished and finally get some play time. Updates coming soon
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2015-03-05

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Thunder 1-A restoration parts Empty thunder 1-a boost circuit

Post by paulski71 Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:54 pm

Hi Shumer, I have the exact same situation as you .... restoring a westone thinder 1-A with only the pickups as original!
How did you get on with the pcb Barry suggested?
I live in england so I guess I just need the specs for the pcb and find one from there? The info out there is really confusing regarding active circuits esp for a noob like myself ^^
I'm worried I'll wreck everything by connecting up just any active circuit.

Look forward to sharing some updates soon! Smile
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Thunder 1-A restoration parts Empty Re: Thunder 1-A restoration parts

Post by Shumer Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:09 pm

Hey Paulski, I checked out the pcb that Barry posted the link to, and it looks viable. There are loads of options for an active board and it does get confusing! I was lucky enough that one of the members here had a board that was a replica of the original that he sold to me in the last few weeks, he's a good source of spares so I'm sure he'll be glad to help you out with any spares. The board I have though was dipped in some kind of resist so all the tracks and components can't be identified or I would have made a diagram and sent you. It was a first restoration for me and I learned a lot on the way and got loads of advice from the members here. They were quick in replying too. I have posted pictures in a previous post of the job in progress if you want to check bit out, and will gladly share my findings and help you out where I can. I can also give you a set of brass knobs if you need them for the tone and volume controls if you want them. They're not original but they do look good. I'll post a pic of my completed guitar soon as I only finished it in the last couple of weeks. It came out really good and it's a great guitar. Post up pics of yours, but you have to have an certain number of posts before you can. Mail me if you need anything. Cheers
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 35
Registration date : 2015-03-05

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