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Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible?

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bridge - Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible? Empty Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible?

Post by Ironbird Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:02 am

I have an older B.C.Rich Class axe ironbird that came with a bendmaster brige on it. I'm sure the bridge was good back in the day but its old and worn, the saddles have become rusty and won't budge when I try to adjust them. I tried WD40 to no avail. The complete bridge is really hard to come by these days. So I was wondering if it is possible to replace the bridge with a floyd rose or maybe a kahler. Will these fit in the existing stud spacing or will I have to modify by guitar body? Can someone please help me. I love the guitar it would be a shame to have to toss the guitar because of the bridge. Thanks

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-06-25

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bridge - Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible? Empty Re: Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible?

Post by silence86 Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:40 am

colt wrote about this in the following 2 threads:

link to the first thread

link to the second thread

However, Bendmasters come up from time to time...with enough patience you should get one. :-)

Best wishes,
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bridge - Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible? Empty Re: Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible?

Post by corsair Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:51 am

What exactly seems to be frozen, IB, 'cause I'm sure that the little round saddlewheels don't actually rotate and I've restored a couple to as new condition because as you've pointed out, they're pretty hard to come by these days!! Laughing

What sort of trem would the guitar have had as OEM, do you know? Would you post a couple of pix of the problems and let's have a good look... we may be able to salvage the situation becasue Colt will tell you that there is major work in putting FR where a Bendmaster was originally fitted.
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bridge - Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible? Empty Re: Replacing bendmaster bridge with a floyd rose possible?

Post by Steve777 Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:18 am

Was a Bendmaster OE on BC Rich's? I certainly have never heard of it. Could it be that it had a another Trem as OE and that broke, and was replaced by the Bendmaster? Did it have a trem at all as original or was it hardtail?

What is the history of this guitar?

I agree with John about the rollers. Mine are as solid as the day they left Japan !
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