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pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there?

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Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? Empty pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there?

Post by Joplin Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:32 am

Hi all! My first post here: I bought a version 2 Westone Rainbow II the other day and am smitten.. great guitar. Only thing keeping it from being pretty much original though is the missing pickguard. Does anybody know where a replacement could be found? or can I fit it with any other 335 339 esque pickguard replacement? thanks in advance for any info and glad to be on board!
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Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? Empty Re: pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there?

Post by Joplin Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:38 am

oh wait found this:
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Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? Empty Re: pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there?

Post by Westbone Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:27 pm

It fits between the pickups 61mm. You may have to file a little bit to get it perfect. The problem is the hole for the bracket is in the wrong place and the bracket won't 'bend' to fit.

I happen to have one right next to me at the moment. I'll post a photo of a mod. in a short while.
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Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? Empty Re: pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there?

Post by Westbone Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:36 pm

Just make a little bridge ala Hofner style.
Could drill another hole in the body for the bracket but don't like doing that.
Fits nice and tight.

Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? SANY2700_zpsf0kqyyuu

Still has protective plastic on.
Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? SANY2708_zpskrsk86mf
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Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? Empty Re: pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there?

Post by Joplin Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:51 am

nice! even has a bit of westone on it;-).. I'm gonna try the guard of my tokai on it see if the looks improve and warrant a bit of handywork like that.. Thanks!
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Rainbow - pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there? Empty Re: pickguard for westone rainbow II : any replacements out there?

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