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Need some Help

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Need some Help Empty Need some Help

Post by kb2nto Wed May 14, 2008 6:18 pm

I have aquired a very beat up Spectrum XA-1220 anniversary. It's the wood finish. I need a pic of the output jack and the tone and vol knobs. Going to try and bring it back to health. Was going to use for parts but hate parting out a beautiful wood finish body..Thank you Ed
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Guest Wed May 14, 2008 7:08 pm

Hi Ed,

Good luck with the restoration work.

If it helps, here is a picture of the tone and volume knobs on my Pantera which are the original Westone ones and are the same as the ones which would have been on your Spectrum. I'm sure someone here will have a picture of the output jack because I'm not certain if it's the same as on other Spectrums. I have a Spectrum SX which I can photograph for you, if that will help at all.

Need some Help Weston12

:flower: :queen:

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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by kb2nto Wed May 14, 2008 7:33 pm

You are the rockin'est and the best Granny ever!! Thank you Ed
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Guest Wed May 14, 2008 8:28 pm

Aw shucks, Ed! You've got me blushing now! Embarassed

Anyway, here is a photograph of the output jack on my Spectrum and a couple of really crappy photos of the jack out of my Genesis (which is still in bits) but it's the same type. I hope you can make them out alright. I'll take some better ones tomorrow in the daylight because the light in my bedroom is really awful for photographing anything!

Need some Help Pict1019
Need some Help Pict1110
Need some Help Pict1111
Need some Help Pict1020

At least they should give you a bit of an idea as to what it is that you are looking for. Incidentally, the little rubber ring is a seal which sits on the inside of the indent on the guitar.

:flower: :queen:

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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by corsair Thu May 15, 2008 12:29 am

...this one...?

..the knobs are the standard tapered Westone ones which are as rare as rockinghorse poo on the 'bay

The output jack could be like Polly's Pantera or Genesis (show-off!!) or it could be like the Clipper where it is part of a plate which screws into the body. Hopefully a Corsair/Spectrum II owner will let us know!!
Anyway, give us all a look at what you've got to play with.... Very Happy
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Administrator Thu May 15, 2008 5:24 am

tapered Matsumoku Knobs!

Rocking Horse poop...
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Sfalj Thu May 15, 2008 9:01 am

Admin wrote:tapered Matsumoku Knobs!

Rocking Horse poop...

Give the Admin a couple of hours and he'll go fetch you some rocking horse poop! What a guy. Cool
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2008 3:14 pm

Hello again Ed,

I've taken a better photo of the output jack from my Genesis, and another one of my Spectrum SX, I hope that these will give you more of an idea as to what to look for.

Need some Help Pict1112

Need some Help Pict1115

:flower: :queen:

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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by corsair Thu May 15, 2008 6:02 pm

Admin wrote:tapered Matsumoku Knobs!

Rocking Horse poop...

Good spotting, Neil - I would like 'em but I am certainly not paying nearly NZ$50 for them!! Hopefully David will come up with a plan for the Spares again but the other thought I had was that I know a talented model maker over here and if I give him one of my Genesis knobs, then he would probably be able to make some out of resin, or even white metal, for me. I haven't asked him if this is feasible yet but I know he does his own casting, so we'll see... Wink
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by WilsonT Fri May 16, 2008 6:42 am

corsair wrote:
Admin wrote:tapered Matsumoku Knobs!

Rocking Horse poop...

Good spotting, Neil - I would like 'em but I am certainly not paying nearly NZ$50 for them!! Hopefully David will come up with a plan for the Spares again but the other thought I had was that I know a talented model maker over here and if I give him one of my Genesis knobs, then he would probably be able to make some out of resin, or even white metal, for me. I haven't asked him if this is feasible yet but I know he does his own casting, so we'll see... Wink

that would be a spectacular solution if he could. Im glad i havent had to look for rocking horse poop yet.
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Sfalj Fri May 16, 2008 7:17 pm

White metal would be so slick. You should get it done for all of your guitars. Afterwards, tell me how to get some. Cool
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by kb2nto Sat May 17, 2008 7:22 am

Thank you to all who replied with pics and ideas. I would imagine a pile of saw dust and wood shavings would be considered Rocking Horse poop. Must have one of those in my shop....
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by corsair Sat May 17, 2008 7:09 pm

Just an update, but if David can't get the spares up and running then my friend reckons that he can make my knobs for me, right down to the 18 spline ferrule, in pewter! He did say however, as a caveat, that he couldn't guarantee delivery any time soon as he is snowed under with orders for rolling stock - he makes gear for model railways, and has his own set-up to boot, so my knobs are a long way down his list of things to do!

So, like the rest of the free thinkers in here, I can only wish David and the Spares the best of luck in getting it up and running again! Very Happy I would like to support someone who has gone out on a limb, and who has the moxy to do this sort of thing, eh... cheers
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Sfalj Sat May 17, 2008 7:42 pm

Where was he getting those spares anyways?
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by corsair Sat May 17, 2008 11:23 pm

...mate, he was having them made off patterns taken from his own gear and some considerable cost!
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Sfalj Sun May 18, 2008 10:51 am

Wow, so he really is quite dedicated to the Westone cause. Did he close it down because he wasn't making enough money?
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Guest Sun May 18, 2008 3:59 pm

That is not for us to question.

David no doubt had his own reasons for closing the forums and the spares section.

Yes, he is dedicated and that was why he started the spares section up in the first place, so that he could provide an invaluable service to others who are also dedicated to Westone guitars.

it wasn't because he wasn't making enough money. Lack of interest was the reason why the spares section closed, costing David both a lot of time and money.

Plenty of people showed an interest when the stuff wasn't available to them, but then, when it was made readily available, some didn't take full advantage of what was, an ideal opportunity, to buy hard to get, genuine Westone parts and spares. Now that it has gone, everyone is whingeing that they can't get the bits that they want any more!

"There's nowt as queer as folk!"

I hope this clarifies things for you!

:flower: :queen:

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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by corsair Sun May 18, 2008 4:18 pm

Yeah, Polly's right - he just found , too, that with the Spares and updating his Westone site constantly and also the forums that the whole thing had grown a little out of control hence the step back to get his breath back!

I, for one, am thankful for what he's achieved and can only hope he re-joins the throng; it is his passion after all, that inspired us all towards all things Westone.

A huge vote of thanks , too, to Neil for getting this one up and running so damn quickly; I know it's been said already, but "Good on you, mate!!"
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Need some Help Empty Re: Need some Help

Post by Sfalj Sun May 18, 2008 10:10 pm

Well, even good people need to take a break. He did what no one else did, so good on him. And yes, this new forum is quite awesome as well.

Hopefully it'll keep growing the way it has in the past month.
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