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MMK53 bridge pickup

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bridge - MMK53 bridge pickup Empty MMK53 bridge pickup

Post by The Chad Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:42 pm

Got one to sell me?
The Chad
The Chad
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Number of posts : 2773
Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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bridge - MMK53 bridge pickup Empty Re: MMK53 bridge pickup

Post by Iceman Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:33 pm

Yo Chadley...   You OK?

you still on the hunt for one??
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
Age : 61
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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bridge - MMK53 bridge pickup Empty Re: MMK53 bridge pickup

Post by The Chad Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:58 pm

...maybe...  Suspect

 Perhaps a PM is in order... Hello Wave
The Chad
The Chad
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Number of posts : 2773
Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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bridge - MMK53 bridge pickup Empty Re: MMK53 bridge pickup

Post by Iceman Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:03 pm

Go for it, but a PM isn't really necessary as it will be my usual terms.

I'll send it, you see if you like it and we'll figure the rest of it out later.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
Age : 61
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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bridge - MMK53 bridge pickup Empty Re: MMK53 bridge pickup

Post by The Chad Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:34 am

Cool beans, let's do this.  I'm sure I'll like it.  The pickup will likely go into this... Clicketh Thou Here.  I already have a 53 in there.  It was borrowed from the Electra X935cs which currently is running a Dimarzio Super Distortion.  Now I can put the cream 53 back where it belongs and still have a 53 in Muttly.  Smile
The Chad
The Chad
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Number of posts : 2773
Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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bridge - MMK53 bridge pickup Empty Re: MMK53 bridge pickup

Post by Iceman Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:11 pm

I just realized that a PM will now be in order as your address and cel # would have been on my old DroidX. I was unsuccessful in migrating my contacts from after it bit the dust, so please get that to me, will 'ya?
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
Age : 61
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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bridge - MMK53 bridge pickup Empty Re: MMK53 bridge pickup

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