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Spectrum of some sort, headless bass and pantera

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Pantera - Spectrum of some sort, headless bass and pantera Empty Spectrum of some sort, headless bass and pantera

Post by grogg Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:03 pm

Bit of a selection on e-bay tonight:-

Headless bass

Another spectrum

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Pantera - Spectrum of some sort, headless bass and pantera Empty Re: Spectrum of some sort, headless bass and pantera

Post by silence86 Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:02 pm

As I already have an x300 I think I'll pass on this one (perhaps I'll have a bid if the price won't go up very much). however, the headless looks nice^^...
You know, I'm fedding up with all these discussions with my girlfriend about my GAS...

EDIT:I just read that the seller of the x300 wants UK bidders only...
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