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Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar

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guitar - Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar  Empty Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar

Post by gittarasaurus Fri May 08, 2015 1:56 pm

this is the ultimate hot-rodded guitarMr Horsepower 
("just listen to the sustain" "i can't hear anything" "well, you could, if it was playing")

turn it up to 11 and then watch this
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guitar - Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar  Empty Re: Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar

Post by BriGuy1968 Fri May 08, 2015 7:28 pm

"You can go out for a bite and that one'll still be goin'!"
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guitar - Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar  Empty Re: Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar

Post by Meadows Fri May 08, 2015 8:23 pm

I have many happy memories of sitting around chillin with mates watching the original Tap movie on VHS. I think we almost wore the bloody tape out, we watched it that much and in fact some of the cliché's such as the over eager girlfriend wanting to manage the band was a warning from beyond to us wanna bee's, as was never playing military establishments or supporting puppet shows.

Nigel (Jeff) was the man, his inept nievety made cheap trick look like amateur hour and although without the internet that was where it began and ended it's good to see the excess's of the ultimate guitar incarnation live on amid the physical parameters of a playable scale length and enough world resources to wire the damn thing up Twisted Evil

"Fender Custom shop" my arse Bart Moon Good spot

Last edited by Meadows on Fri May 08, 2015 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : post election apathy)
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guitar - Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar  Empty Re: Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar

Post by Barry Fri May 08, 2015 9:41 pm

Friggin' great band.
And they did it all acoustically! Roll on Floor Laff guitar - Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar  Laughhard

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
guitar - Nigel Tufnel's Ernie Ball H-H-H-H guitar  Guitar10
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