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Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Meadows Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:54 am

Just came across this on the bay. It might just be the angle at which it was photographed but there is something about this double pickup configuration that seems out of the norm, checked the site and can't find a match ???
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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Westbone Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:02 pm

That's version III with an added J pickup.
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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Meadows Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:06 pm

Cheers Damian

Do you think the added J was at the factory or a players refurb?

Never really noticed until earlier just how straight the headstock profile is on those....worse than a Roman road
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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Westbone Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:13 pm

Someone's added that and the 3 way switch.

Don't say the word 'factory' or 'prototype' it'll be up in the £500's.... Laughing
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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Meadows Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:19 pm

OK, well that's where it stops for me, thanks for clearing that up Smile
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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Meadows Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:38 pm

Sweet little addition there Sir Twisted Evil
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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Westbone Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:13 am

Did you buy that?
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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

Post by Meadows Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:42 pm

Hey Damian, no gave this one a miss, still using my Futurama when the gigs come up but will probably get a Thunder Bass at some stage, just fighting for room as per usual.

Loving some of your new acquisitions btw, it's finding those hidden gems that must surely be a bonus  Smile
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Location : North Herts
Registration date : 2013-01-19

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BASS - Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration? Empty Re: Thunder 1A Bass - pickup configuration?

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