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Vantage X88

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vantage - Vantage X88 Empty Vantage X88

Post by Adey Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:50 am

Any got a Vantage X88?

I've just bought one, on the left with a couple of its cousins

vantage - Vantage X88 WP_20150225_005_zpsnxykyi7l

but can't suss out what the two toggles are meant to do in each position.

They are each three position, and I am guessing that it is something along the lines of series / parallel, cut, out of phase, or something along those lines...

Can someone give me a proper "thickies guide"? ie bottom switch - what it does in each position (front/middle/back)?, top switch - what it does in each position (front/middle/back)? 

If one option is "out of phase", I would think it needs the pick-up selector in mid-position and only one of the mini switches in middle position, but not both, so what is the other middle setting for?

The wiring all looks intact and unmolested in the controls cavity.

Help appreciated!!!
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Location : Horsham, UK
Registration date : 2014-01-25

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vantage - Vantage X88 Empty Re: Vantage X88

Post by corsair Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:44 am

I had an X-99 that I flicked on that had the same arrangement and yeah; the mini switches are h/b serial, h/b parallel and coil split for each pickup to go with the selector switch.

Last edited by corsair on Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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vantage - Vantage X88 Empty Re: Vantage X88

Post by Adey Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:21 pm

Thanks! I shall go and try that out later...

You didn't get on with yours I see. I've only had mine a day or so and quite like the sounds you can get out of it. Do you think it was just your pickups or was it something else?

Mine's also a lot lighter than the Westbury Deluxe in the photo, which I think is my heaviest guitar by a fair bit, but also my favourite...
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vantage - Vantage X88 Empty Re: Vantage X88

Post by corsair Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:07 pm

I wasn't madly keen on the matte black and the pickups seemed very sterile to my ears even at quite high output through a tube amp and then miked up into a PA, but then most do after the MMK 45/54 roar I'm used to! As I said, it was very light, played very nicely once it was set up and hung well on the strap so I dunno what put me off, if I'm honest. Well, all of the above and the fact that I already have about 5 H/H guitars!!
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Registration date : 2008-04-08

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