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1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175

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westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 Empty 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175

Post by phsycoandy Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:45 am

In great condition just a few small dings and marks and a little rash, the switch tip is broken but it still works as it is.

Serial number is 4071483. Pic shows internals which all look tidy and original. 18 volt preamp etc.

Needs a new set of strings obviously.

£175 plus £11 to ship. Paypal is fine. Suffolk collection or meet available as well.

westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 P1160066

westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 P1160065

westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 P1160067

westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 P1160068

westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 P1160069

westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 P1160070

westone - 1984 Westone Thunder 1A 6 string Guitar. £175 P1160064
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