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Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160

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electra - Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160 Empty Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160

Post by mortarman120gang11c Tue May 20, 2014 4:51 pm

Alas I have found the long searched for Electra Westone X160 graphite with active boost. This one has issues but will clean up nice. The big problem thus far is that when I removed the 6 screws from the trem assy I found as usual that it was cracked and crumbling under the screws from be overtight when dive bombing so that trem assy is  a no go. I would like to get a nice used one to keep this guitar all original but I understand from Corsair that the Wilkenson 5+1 will fit and work well. If anyone has one of the original trem assy please pm me if you would like to sell it. Attached link shows the progress thus far. Thanks for any help on this one.
[url= X160 Active Phoenix Metalic green/0517141539b_zpsc4a0fd7a.jpg][/url]

[url=javascript(0);]electra - Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160 Btn_geturs[/url][url= X160 Active Phoenix Metalic green]electra - Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160 Btn_viewall[/url]
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electra - Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160 Empty Re: Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160

Post by Westbone Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:43 am

any good?
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electra - Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160 Empty Re: Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160

Post by mortarman120gang11c Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:09 pm

Corsair informed me about the Wilkenson 5+1 so I ordered one and it fits perfect no mods needed. I am putting on the finishing touches now and will have photos posted soon. Thanks for all the help,
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electra - Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160 Empty Re: Looking to find a replacement original trem for my Electra Westone X160

Post by mortarman120gang11c Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:14 pm

I replaced the broken original bridge assy with a new Wilkenson 5 + 1 that dropped right in and works great. I am going to replace it with another original when I can find a nice one. The only thing left now is waiting on my paint guy to get the match in color and get the large chunk re painted to match. I do not think it was dropped or damaged but must have been an attempt to remove the paint as there are no dings or dents etc . These finishes are tough as nails and it cleaned up great with only a few of the solder joints needing repair. All original with exception of the bridge assy and the active circuit works great and gives it a nasty overdriven growl. I love it. Check out the new photos on the original link at top of this thread.
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