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Westone Genisis II bass on eBay

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BASS - Westone Genisis II bass on eBay Empty Westone Genisis II bass on eBay

Post by contrahell Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:44 pm

Hi all,

I'm currently in the thinning portion of the program with my collection and have a 1987 Westone Genisis II listed on Ebay (US):

In nice condition, it has 2 finish chips (1 of which has had an attempt to repair with nail polish probably) one in the treble side cutaway (the attempted repair) and one on the bottom side of the body below the neck pup tone knob. Some headstock dings, and very light dings on the back of the neck.

Other than that it is in great condition, plays like a dream (as most Jap Westies do!) All original as far as I can tell, with the exception of the truss rod cover screws. It was in this exact condition when I purchased it.

With 30+ in my collection, I find I play this one rarely. Thought I'd throw it out in case any of the stateside members were interested.
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2013-03-12

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