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Swiftlock tailpiece

The Chad
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Westbone Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:25 pm

Here's the first. Which was made 'blind' and is slightly thinner than the original looking from above.
It's solid brass and a lot stronger than the alloy on the originals.
The next one will be even thicker and beefed up more so.
The brass could of course be chromed.
A buddy of mine made this  from  measurements I sent. He now has an original to work from.
Still looks fine though and is much tougher.

Swiftlock tailpiece DSCF7035_zps27417f60
Swiftlock tailpiece DSCF7036_zps7479afba
Swiftlock tailpiece DSCF7039_zps3422506c
Swiftlock tailpiece DSCF7044_zpsd0b313c3
This is on a Rainbow II so the brass doesn't look out of place with the gold hardware.
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by The Chad Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:29 pm

That looks strong, it'll last.  Great job. 

Is that bridge an "Azusa" brand?
The Chad
The Chad
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Sgt. Vimes Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:37 pm

Good work that man!
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by grogg Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:50 pm

That looks great, the original metals were poor so this is going to be a whole lot better. Was it cast?
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Westbone Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:32 am

The Chad wrote:That looks strong, it'll last.  Great job. 

Is that bridge an "Azusa" brand?
No Chad it's not an Azusa 'bridge to nowhere' It's a Westone Long Travel. Too where? I don't know.. What a Face

Swiftlock tailpiece SANY1318_zpseea61d55
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Westbone Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:44 am

grogg wrote:That looks great, the original metals were poor so this is going to be a whole lot better. Was it cast?
Not cast. Machined from brass stock.
Considered casting them but you'd still have to machine them anyway.  Way to expensive.
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Westbone Thu May 08, 2014 9:26 am

Now a playable guitar... Smile
Swiftlock tailpiece DSCF7051_zpscae47365
Swiftlock tailpiece DSCF7053_zpsfdc61e6f
Swiftlock tailpiece DSCF7049_zpse538a231
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by punkyjam67 Thu May 08, 2014 11:24 am

Cracking job! Smile
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Westbone Thu May 08, 2014 2:25 pm

He's has done a great job. Took him 10 months mind.... Laughing

The next will be thicker with more beef to it.
Will just leave the underbelly without the hollow,maybe just a wee bit
Not as much work neither.

You should see the parts he makes for Morgans and Harleys.
I've known him since the age of 10. So 10 months waiting is nothing... Smile
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Barry Thu May 08, 2014 5:53 pm

Bloody good thing you don't need a whole bunch of 'em though!

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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

Post by Westbone Fri May 09, 2014 3:11 am


There is a few on the cards. Might take a few years though.. Cool
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Swiftlock tailpiece Empty Re: Swiftlock tailpiece

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