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Thunder 1A version 3 fretless bass weight

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Thunder 1A version 3 fretless bass weight Empty Thunder 1A version 3 fretless bass weight

Post by PaulS Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:28 pm


Long time member and regular poster checking in.  I say regular - must be every 18 months, regular as clockwork.

I have recently bought myself a Thunder 1A fretless.  It is, by the look of the info sites, a version 3 - serial number indicates an '86.  It has the Magnabass pickup, chromed 'high mass' bridge and coil tap pull switch on the volume, rather than the toggle switch.  It is absolutely lovely and in great nick. 

But the huge surprise for me was that it weighs *under* 9lbs.  Is this a freak event?  A one off?  Or did all the version 3s weigh less than the earlier ones?  If so, were they a different wood?  Very curious.


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Thunder 1A version 3 fretless bass weight Empty Re: Thunder 1A version 3 fretless bass weight

Post by PaulS Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:13 pm

Certainly not a freak event, it seems.  I asked on Basschat and someone there is selling a version 3 that is 8.2lbs.

Or, rather, *was* selling... Smile
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Thunder 1A version 3 fretless bass weight Empty Re: Thunder 1A version 3 fretless bass weight

Post by PaulS Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:04 pm

To continue this conversation I am having with myself, I notice that my new version 3 1A fretted bass has 22 frets.  The Thunder Jet bass was also lightweight with 22 fret neck -I wonder if these were made alongside or if they used surplus Thunder Jet bodies and necks for these later 1A version 3s? 
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