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Westones in the Can

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Westones in the Can Empty Westones in the Can

Post by Meadows Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:39 am

Inspired by the fact my old lap top is just about to die and I need to transfer all my I tunes tracks onto the newer one, I was wondering earlier as you do (on a Saturday morning), which tracks/recordings since the birth of the brand have been recorded using Westone guitars and which models were used?

Rabin Yes 90125 ???

Just a bit of weekend fun  Smile
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Westones in the Can Empty Re: Westones in the Can

Post by corsair Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:51 am

Possibly Spandau Ballet with True; one of the Kemps is most certainly cuddling a magnificent white Rainbow in the video....
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