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Mats Hondo double cutaway bass

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BASS - Mats Hondo double cutaway bass Empty Mats Hondo double cutaway bass

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:39 pm

Got this last week for pennies, hardly a mark on it, never seen one in such beautiful condition.
apart from the usual buggered 3 point bridge (notice the unique G-saddle) and very rusty strings it just needed a clean, a damn good clean!.
chucked on my tapewounds so just waiting for delivery of a new bridge.....I'll have to sort out a mod bar to stop the new bridge warping again.
It plays rather well despite the bridge rising.
BASS - Mats Hondo double cutaway bass Dsc_0538

BASS - Mats Hondo double cutaway bass Dsc_0539

BASS - Mats Hondo double cutaway bass Dsc_0540

BASS - Mats Hondo double cutaway bass Dsc_0541

happy dayz.  Smile
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Number of posts : 3322
Age : 53
Location : tyneside
Registration date : 2011-11-03

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