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dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by fatha Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:03 pm

I'm new to the forum today. I'd be grateful if anyone could advise on the type of switch that is used on the Thunder 2 bass. It is obviously a 4PDT but what i'm not sure of is wether it is a 'on-on-on' or 'on-off-on' (but I seem to remember it may have been a 3 position) or maybe it's a simple toggle 'on-on'. Normally I would have flipped the switch and buzzed the thing out and figured it out BUT the paddle is snapped. Any guidance welcome
Thanks Fatha
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by Barry Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:47 pm

Welcome fatha. Have a click HERE for a schematic.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Guitar10
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by fatha Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:12 pm

Thanks for the link. I've already seen that and it does suggest that it is an 'on-on' toggle switch (by schematic similarity to the other two switches which are both intact on my bass and are both simple toggle). But like I said I have a notion that it was a three position (it has been broken a number of years now and I'm struggling to remember). I need either this one (on-on-on) or this one (on-on). PS since I'm new the forum has blocked the hyperlinks i put into the word 'one' . Basically it was a link to some switches that fitted the bill from Radio Spares UK
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by Barry Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:19 pm

Hyperlinks and picture posts are restricted for new users fatha. Helps cut down on the SPAM'ers and SCAM'ers.

The simplest thing to do is open the control cavity and have a look at it eh? Most switches are marked on-on, on-on-on, etc.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Guitar10
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by Clive Shakedown Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:46 pm

Hi fatha,

I have a Thunder 2 bass in front of me now, the dual tone is a 2 position switch.

Clive Shakedown
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by fatha Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:51 pm

Brilliant. Thats what I needed to know. Thanks a lot.
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by fatha Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:25 am

Clive sorry to labour this but can I just confirm you are referring to the switch nearest the strings. Cheers.
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by Clive Shakedown Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:27 pm

Hi there, yes, the switch nearest the strings, in fact all three switches are 2 position types. Mine is as it came from the factory with no mods.

EDIT, I am looking at a Thunder 2 bass like the ones pictured here, there was a short scale thunder 2 I think with a different pick up config, but if you have a bass like mine one then it's a 2 position switch.
the Thunder 2 is on the left.
BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass T3bodbig
Clive Shakedown
Clive Shakedown
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by fatha Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:26 pm

Thanks Clive.
My bass is identical to the one on the right except my pots dont have the black markers on them and the pup selector is ivory coloured. A bit of research suggests this was renamed thunder 3 although the headstock truss cover states "Thunder II"
I can now try to source a switch - unfortuntaely it's unlikely to have the flat paddle and wont match the other two.
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:16 pm

this seller has a few flat paddle switches available.
Sgt. Vimes
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by Clive Shakedown Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:46 pm

Yes, re my pots, v low tech black marker pen!
Plain brass is nice but sometimes impractical.
Clive Shakedown
Clive Shakedown
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by fatha Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:50 am

Thanks for the ebay link Sgt. Vimes, the paddle looks right but this is a single pole double throw SPDT swith, I need a 4 pole double throw 4PDT, which has 12 contacts in all in a 4x3 pattern.
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BASS - dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass Empty Re: dual tone switch - Thunder 2 bass

Post by fatha Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:51 am

found one. here's the link for anyone who may have a similar need:
I cant post links as a new member so make the obvious changes before pasting into your browser
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