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Can anyone identify this guitar?

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by markwalsham Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:10 pm

Hello everyone,

Just joined the forum.  I have had the following guitar for at least 20 years now, and bought it along with a Vox AC30 for a combined price of £60!  I have always assumed that this guitar was a Westone Thunder, or a variant, but after digging this out of the cupboard to start renovating it, and overhauling all the electrics, I wanted to identify the wiring diagrams.

So, I found this site, and for the life of me, my guitar is similar in style to the Thunder, but it does not seem to match any of the models.

The major differences seem to be:

My guitar has four controls, two for volume and two for tone, yet the standard one seems only to have three controls.
The headstock of my guitar is more of a Les Paul shape than the standard Westone shape.
My guitar did not have a neck plate when I bought it, but all the others do
Clearly my guitar has a glued in neck, and I presume that the truss rod is accessed through the headstock.
The shape of the cover on the back of the guitar is different to all the models on here.

Picture Links here:-
Can anyone identify this guitar? 20131110
Can anyone identify this guitar? 20131114
Can anyone identify this guitar? 20131115
Can anyone identify this guitar? 20131116

Any advice on this on how I could identify this, that would be great.  It may be that I have a bit of a frankenstein guitar and it's not a Westone at all, but there is so many common features that it would seem strange that it's not.

Cheers, Mark.

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-11-15

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by westcoaster Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:23 pm

Definite Mats look about it - I wonder if its a T3 prototype ?
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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by jimmydime Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:38 pm

It looks like an early 80's VANTAGE from what I see. Built in Japan.
Here is a link to the catalog.

Westone Nut

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Location : Ontario
Registration date : 2013-10-25

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:49 pm

the body shape has a kind of Vantage vibe
looks like a set-neck version of this one...
Vantage 650
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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by Catalyst Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:06 pm

looks like a Hondo to me....
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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by jimmydime Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:17 pm

Just noticed that the headstock is different on the Vantage. On yours the headstock has a "V" shape. The Vantage has an upward point.
Not to say that it couldn't be a prototype.... I saw one in my area with a floating tremolo, none of the catologs identify this model, but its for sure Vantage.
I will have to check out the Hondo.

Westone Nut

Number of posts : 49
Location : Ontario
Registration date : 2013-10-25

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by Catalyst Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:56 pm

take a look at this...

defo a Hondo imo.. Cool
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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by hoax Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:02 pm

It is a Hondo and was made by Matsumoku.

Model is Hondo Professional H1030 and is as good as a Westone.

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by jimmydime Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:17 pm

Yep, definately a Hondo. Nice call Catalyst.. you win the prize.
Nice guitar.
I just saw a Vantage that looks like that on Kijiji locally thats why it was the first thing I thought of. The Vantage, that was totally mint was for sale for $150. Wife VETO'd the purchase.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 49
Location : Ontario
Registration date : 2013-10-25

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:23 pm

jimmydime wrote:Wife VETO'd the purchase.

Yes yes!
Sgt. Vimes
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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by Catalyst Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:27 am

Dance 1  someone mention prizes?...Package 4 U
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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by markwalsham Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:09 am

Guys - thank you all! So I assume this was made in Japan and as the serial number is 1040023, that equates to April 1981 - the 23rd off the line...?

I am going to dismantle the guitar and take a look at the pups and electronics. I remember when I last plugged it into an amp (a small Fender job) the pups had super high output. They scream and feedback quite easily!

The neck is a lot slimmer than my Strat or LP, almost like a tele, and the neck is fast. For a guitar over 30 years old, its not bad, and one thing I would say, for a budget guitar, this is a whole lot better than budget guitars half their age.

I don't suppose anyone has any wiring diagrams for this Hondo???

Thanks again guys!


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-11-15

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

Post by hoax Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:31 am

You don't need a specific Hondo wiring diagram. Just go online and use a generic les paul diagram.

As already stated it was made by Matsumoku, so was built in Japan.

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Can anyone identify this guitar? Empty Re: Can anyone identify this guitar?

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