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Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 - Pick up required

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series - Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 - Pick up required Empty Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 - Pick up required

Post by mjyscott Thu May 08, 2008 10:04 am

I have a Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 Bass Guitar with a faulty pick up - does anyone know where i can source a replacement from?

The pick up is : Magnabass II pickup


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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series - Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 - Pick up required Empty Re: Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 - Pick up required

Post by Guest Thu May 08, 2008 10:14 am

Hello there and Welcome! Smile

You might not get an exact replacement unless someone has a spare, other than that, I could suggest that you keep an eye out on eBay or you might be lucky enough to pick up another bass from somewhere.

The bass guys here ought to be able to advise you as to the best type to use as a replacement if you can't find an original - which are like hen's teeth! Laughing Laughing

Pauline :flower: :queen:

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series - Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 - Pick up required Empty Re: Spectrum Series 2 SPB102 - Pick up required

Post by Sfalj Thu May 08, 2008 4:15 pm

Check out every online auction and classifieds site you know of, because spare Westone pickups are rare. You'll want to check them out everyday too, might sound excessive but you don't want them to slip through your fingers.
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