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Prototype Genesis II...

Sgt. Vimes
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Prototype Genesis II...

Post by corsair Sun May 12, 2013 3:04 am

OK... I noticed when I photographed the guitars that one or two were spectacularly dirty and the Genesis was one; I haven't touched it for 5 years so it is in dire need of a fettle...

... to whit...

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... DSC_0034_zpsd130da6a
.. the perils of storage for long periods!

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... DSC_0033_zpsae0cfdc7

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... DSC_0035_zps7ee4b1f7

5 bloody springs... ye Gods!

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... DSC_0036_zps0d4ac867

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... DSC_0037_zpsadadb55c

bridge p'up; unmarked?? later... 14.4Ω

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0040_zps28ef182a

Very tidy indeed!

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0042_zps9e39a611

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0044_zpsde0d4517

Bridge p'up rout...

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... DSC_0045_zpsc784c818

s/c have rubber feet...

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0049_zps2ba9ff86

Weird ass extra coils on the tone and mid-shape pots

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0048_zpse1c1e60a

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0051_zpsa3655915

5 way...

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0054_zps178a5868

butt end of the neck. I had my nieces' husband who is Japanese look at these, and he couldn't read them! He reckons they're some sort of factory shorthand/code!

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0056_zpsd897b1c5

Kanji in the neck pocket

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0058_zpsf63dbf89

Saddle shim from the factory

Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... CSC_0060_zpse5974492

headstock detail showing the 3 pieces of wood used.

This was my first Westone, bought in Christchurch NZ in 2005 and I had absolutely NO idea of what I as dealing with so this was ill set up from the pawn shop and I didn't help in my ignorance of Bendmaster bridges!!

Things is gonna change!

Last edited by corsair on Sun May 12, 2013 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : additions...)
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun May 12, 2013 3:37 am

5 years? you bad, bad man John!
Let this be a lesson to all of us, OIL YOUR METAL BEFORE STORING!!!'ll be fun getting it back up to standard eh.
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by Iceman Sun May 12, 2013 7:15 am

Here in the States we have a term for 5 spring trems... active spares storage.

That 5 pin connector was abit of a puzzle to me (and Barry) at first when I was sorting out the dead HB in my Genesis I... we thought it a modification from the factory wiring by a former owner... that is until a certain Mr. Tom Presley set us straight.
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by Westbone Sun May 12, 2013 12:06 pm

Yeah, that HB travelled quite a bit eh!
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by Barry Sun May 12, 2013 1:56 pm

Just as suspected...a dirty old man! Roll on Floor Laff

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Guitar10
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by corsair Wed May 15, 2013 9:01 pm

I've finished tidying the old thing up and just wound it up a little; my goodness; I'd forgotten just how nice it sounds! Wonderful s/c noises and the bridge p'up is a bit of a monster! It sounds lovely until you engage some boost/overdrive/distortion whereupon it proceeds to bite yer head off... not too sure the neighbours were too impressed but even under pretty heavy distortion it retains an articulate voice that the 45s seem to lose at high levels - I'm well impressed and it now resides on the inside guitar rack, rather than being relegated to the shed!
I sorted out all of the stupid things I did when I first got it, like putting the saddles back on the bridge in the right order.... it plays like a dream as it has the later neck; the wide flat one which invites a certain amount of digging in and headbanging!!
I'm a bit dizzy now so I'm off for a lie down.... Very Happy
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by The Chad Fri May 17, 2013 2:39 pm

Those coils on the pots are interesting, haven't seen that before. Glad you're reacquainted with her. Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... 3262125054
The Chad
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by gittarasaurus Fri May 17, 2013 3:20 pm

those coils are part of the mid-shape tone circuit as used on these models and the Genesis II

it is a useful circuit if you use very high gain/ high volume. it will eliminate the bad squeally feedback and leave the good solid, fat feedback that gives howling sustain! Twisted Evil
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by The Chad Fri May 17, 2013 3:26 pm

That's interesting, didn't know any of that. Love to try it.
The Chad
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by gittarasaurus Fri May 17, 2013 3:44 pm

very likely this red one has the tone shaper circuit

auction closes in less than 24hrs

or this blue (purple) one that has been listed a long time at MGR

Last edited by gittarasaurus on Fri May 17, 2013 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : link)
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

Post by gittarasaurus Fri May 17, 2013 3:50 pm

or how about one from a forum member....
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Genesis - Prototype Genesis II... Empty Re: Prototype Genesis II...

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