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hee hee; I have a new project...

Sgt. Vimes
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hee hee; I have a new project... - Page 2 Empty Re: hee hee; I have a new project...

Post by Westbone Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:28 am

Just a thought! seeing as it's a single pup guitar.

I'd go with a Tonerider Generator pup. Plenty guts but splits nicely.
Could maybe have a series/parallel mini switch in the wee hole and a coil split on the volume. Plenty usefull sounds there.

Alternatively stick some flashing lights on it Christmas is coming....santa

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hee hee; I have a new project... - Page 2 Empty Re: hee hee; I have a new project...

Post by Westbone Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:57 am

Couple of Toneriders going into this fine instrument.
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Post by corsair Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:31 pm

Strewth.... haven't updated this at all!!

Well, a Tonerider ACII went into the hole and looks the part! I decided to put the tone pot where the output jack was and out a series/split/parallel switch where the tone pot hole is, which I did after sourcing a very expensive on/on/on switch from DiMarzio, and so far it's looking good! 

The neck's not back from the painter yet - I've decided to have the wings and ribbons painted on and that the headstock colour should match the body. I also told Hans that there was no rush at all in the hope that he'll continue to be nice to me when it comes time to settle up!

I also got a little sheet of 2mm black acrylic sheet and made a couple of TRC, one of which has been engraved correctly - the original was engraved with Dad's name at 90° to the way I wanted it done....

New Kluson Fender modern style string trees and a set of Jinho locking tuners round out the mods.
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hee hee; I have a new project... - Page 2 Empty Re: hee hee; I have a new project...

Post by corsair Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:24 am

Neck's back and installed - once again, Hans did me proud and this time, he didn't even charge me!?! He said it was because he didn't finish the job the way we had agreed, but I think it was because he's a good bloke...

Whacked on the tuners, string trees and TRC, sanded down the bare wood on the back of the neck down to 2000 grit and blended the transition areas in and bolted it up. Put on the strings that came off it - I neglected to get a new nut so need to do that - just to hear what the Tonerider sounded like... tuned it up.... then turned on the amp.

Wow!! What a noise! The series/split/parallel is actually quite a subtle change, but it does change the sound appreciably with no apparent loss of volume... something that surprised me given that the impedance readings varied wildly!!

Very, very muscular, meaty sound that is clear and bell-like unaffected, through a clean amp but it dirties up just fine. Modern, scooped middish distortion is not this pickups forté but that classic overdrive-y sound will be a doddle to sort out, and the sort of cleans that Peter Green is famous for should also be easily obtainable; excellent!! Very, very pleased with the pickup and the switching and I love the look of the colour-matched headstock with the medal ribbons painted on - happy boy here!!
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hee hee; I have a new project... - Page 2 Empty Re: hee hee; I have a new project...

Post by Barry Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:56 am

Well done you. I never would have thought that the output would be sufficient. Gotta be the Tone Rider.

Now...PIX?! bounce

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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