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Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info)

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Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) Empty Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info)

Post by ianchudson Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:24 pm


I've recently been going through my things and have been trying to figure out what kind of electric guitar I have. It appears to be a Westone Spectrum II from 1989, but I'd love some confirmation from anyone that has some know-how here. I always grew up playing classical guitar so I have mostly acoustics. However, in the 80s/90s my parents bought me an electric to tinker with as well. If you might give me a suggestion on pricing as well I'd greatly appreciate it. I don't plan on keeping it as I don't regularly play anymore and it has been in my basement for many many years. I just plugged it in to my old Peavy amp and other than old strings and needing a tune it's in great shape. I look forward to hearing what you think!

Ian H.

here's an image or two... Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) Imgp4110

Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) Imgp4111
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Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) Empty Re: Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info)

Post by Iceman Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:27 pm

Welcome, Ian. Could you post a pic or two of that trem close up?

Any stickered serial number on the neck at the join or back of the headstock? 3 adjustment screws on the 'bucker look MIK to my eyes.
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Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) Empty Re: Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info)

Post by ianchudson Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:50 pm

Surely, here's a few more. I tried to post a few on picasa but I have to wait the 7 days for external linking it appears.

Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) IMGP4145

Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) IMGP4142

Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) IMGP4143

Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) IMGP4144

Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) IMGP4146

The closest thing I could find was here:
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Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) Empty Re: Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info)

Post by Westbone Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:15 am

Yep, New Horizon's

Spectrum II WE4400RD.
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Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info) Empty Re: Greetings! (Westone Spectrum II 1989 Info)

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