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looking for a pantera guitar

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Pantera - looking for a pantera guitar Empty looking for a pantera guitar

Post by silence86 Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:20 am


after 2 months of playing my brother's old acoustic guitar i'm looking for a pantera now. it doesn't have to be an x390, any model would do (it would just be nice if it was in europe, so that the shipping costs are payable because i guess my brother doesn't want to carry 2 guitars on the way back from the usa^^).i know that there were quite many on ebay in december, and i could beat myself for not getting one (there is a x300 on the german web for 320 eurobucks...a little bit expensive i think).

So, please tell me if you know something or even want to sell a pantera^^...

best wishes
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Pantera - looking for a pantera guitar Empty Re: looking for a pantera guitar

Post by Crambone Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:53 am

Looks like you made a good find!
Westone Nut

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Pantera - looking for a pantera guitar Empty Pantera x275 white

Post by raspeter Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:20 am


I have a Pantera x275 for sale. It is in mint condition, havent been played the last 10 years. i am located i denmark

please email me for pictures.

Best regards

Rasmus Chrstiansen

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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